Faculty : Faculty of education
Department : Department of visual arts design and Technology
Name of the Course or Module : Contemporary art of East Africa
Academic Program : BSCFD, BAED III
The module introduces students to Contemporary art and the major movements involved. Major artists in painting, sculpture, architecture and new media will be studied in the context of developments in East Africa and the world at large art. Module will help Students to understand how contemporary art forms such as conceptual, installation and performance art have spread around the world from ancient times to the modern times and contemporary art. The course shows how the public and artist now accept or at least tolerates transformation and growth of art in the contemporary world.
To inculcate a culture of an inquisitive mind among students so as to make them able to innovatively come up with ideas that will positively transform society.
To develop art of improvisation by utilising the environment and using its resources to originate artefacts without degrading it
By the end of the course, students should be able to:-
· Create work of their own that shows the relationship between what they see and what they think.
· Gain an idea of public art and hence produce some art pieces in public places such as hotels, government offices, hospitals and schools.
· Understand and explain the development of art from pre-historic times up to-date.
· Use the basic vocabulary of art history to describe various styles and art forms of contemporary Art in world.
· Demonstrate knowledge of the various purposes and contexts of art from contemporary Art in world in the 21st century
· Analyse, assess, and derive meaning from works of art, including their own, according to the elements of art, the principles of design, and aesthetic qualities.
· Demonstrate knowledge of the historical development of art and artifacts of selected ancient civilizations.
· Teachers who well acquainted with contemporary methods of executing art and have ability to change with changing times.
· Teachers with ability to incorporate the emerging technologies in dissemination of knowledge among students.
· Teachers and artist who will use acquired knowledge to cause holistic transformation in their products.
· Teachers with ability to use art to research into other fields for the benefit of society
- Lecturer: Mwijuka Julius
- Instructor: Oyesigye Owen
This course teaches the basic concepts of processes, programs and the components of the Linux operating system. You learn the basic knowledge of computer hardware, gain an understanding of open source applications in the workplace, and learn to navigate systems on a Linux desktop rudimentary commands to navigate the Linux command line.
This course is a prep course for the Linux Essentials exam from Linux Professional Institute and is meant to help those without Linux experience to pass their first Linux certification.
- Lecturer: Oyesigye Owen
This is a demo course unit that is used to demonstrate to students and lecturers how to use VLE in general. for example setting assignments, submitting course work and assignments, setting tests, uploading and downloading files, enrolment and etc.

- Lecturer: Kansiime Boniface